Chairs and members
ChairAli Taher, American University of Beirut Medical Center (Lebanon)
Co-chairAchille Iolascon, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
SWG Steering Committee members
Patricia Aguilar Martinez, Henri Mondor University Hospital (France)
Maria Domenica Cappellini, University of Milan (Italy)
Marta Morado, Hospital Universitario La Paz (Spain)
Martina Muckenthaler, University…
Chairs and Members
ChairGiancarlo Castaman, University of Florence - Careggi University Hospital, Florence (Italy)
Co-chairAnna Falanga, University of Milan Bicocca and Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo (Italy)
SWG Steering Committee
Ajay K Kakkar, Thrombosis Research Institute, London (United Kingdom)
Augusto Federici, University of Milan, University Hospital Luigi…
Chairs and Members
Chair (2017-present)Oliver A. Cornely—University Hospital Cologne, Cologne (Germany)
Co-chair (2023-present)Livio Pagano—Fondazione Policlinico A.
Chairs and Members
ChairPaolo Gresele, Department of Medicine, Section of Internal and Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy)
Vice-ChairTo be announced.
Chairs and Members
Claire Harrison, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Guy’s Hospital, London (United Kingdom)
Jean-Jacques Kiladjian, Hôpital Saint-Louis and Paris Diderot University, Paris (France)
SWG Steering Committee members
Alessandro Vannucchi, University of Florence (Italy)
Antonio Almeida, Hospital da Luz (Portugal)
Carlos Besses, Barcelona Biomedical Research…
Chairs and Members
ChairUwe Platzbecker, University of Leipzig, Medical Faculty, Clinic and Polyclinic for Hematology, Cellular Therapy and Hemostaseology (Germany)
Co-chairLionel Adès, Hôpital Saint-Louis Paris, Hématologie Seniors (France)
SWG Steering Committee
Pierre Fenaux, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Hématologie Seniors, Paris (France)
Arjan van de Loosdrecht, Amsterdam UMC, Hematology (The…
Chairs and members
Chair (2024–2027 term)Igor Aurer (education and scientific meetings co-lead) – University Hospital Centre Zagreb, University of Zagreb and KroHem, Croatia
Co-chair (2024–2027 term)Martin Dreyling (guidelines lead) – University Hospital Grosshadern, Ludwig Maximilian University and GLA, Germany
SWG Executive Board members (2024–2027 term)
Kim Linton (scientific secretary) –…
Press Release: “Building the knowledge economy in the world of blood diseases: patients, professionals and Parliamentarians help make the new Europe.”
Brussels, 29th August 2011
On the 30th & 31st of August a conference will be hosted in the European Parliament that will demonstrate the leading role haematology will have in securing the future knowledge economy envisaged in the Europe 2020 Strategy.…
Press release: Breaking news on lymph node cancer and plasma cell cancer reported at Hematology Congress in Stockholm, June 13-16, 2013
In order to support high-quality science, the European Hematology Association (EHA) collaborates with 16 Scientific Working Groups (SWGs) and concentrates on fostering activities directed towards basic and translational research.
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