
For mentors of applicants

As part of your support for the candidate applying for CBTH, the following is required from you:

Supervision and mentorship to be provided to the applicant during the CBTH award year.

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EHA's approach to policy and regulatory affairs involves collaboration across medical professions and disciplines.

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SWG Educational Activities

2023 meetingsThe following EHA-SWG meetings took place in the past calendar year:

54th General Assembly of ERIC members at ELN Symposium 2023
Mannheim, Germany
April 18, 2023

ERIC/Brazilian CLL Group workshop on biomarkers in CLL
Brasilia, Brazil
May 25–26, 2023

55th General Assembly of ERIC members at…

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IVDR resources

IVD Taskforce Videos:Konstanze Döhner


Monika Brüggemann

IVDR Sessions:

HemaSphere articles:
Critical Implications of IVDR for Innovation in Diagnostics: Input From the BioMed Alliance Diagnostics Task Force
The New EU Regulation on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices: Implications and Preparatory Actions for Diagnostic Laboratories
EU-Wide Access to…

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Clinical Case Unit

Current committee members

Marielle Wondergem, The Netherlands (Editor-in-Chief)
Barbara Bain, United Kingdom (Editor)
John Burthem, United Kingdom (Editor)
Mary Frances McMullin, United Kingdom (Editor)
Christopher McNamara, United Kingdom (Editor)

AimThe Clinical Case Unit guards the quality and consistency of all cases presented at EHA Tutorials and…

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Guidelines Committee

Current committee members
Noémi Roy, United Kingdom (Chair)
Martin Dreyling, Germany (Vice-Chair)
Steffen Koschmieder, Germany (Executive member)
Marieke Kruip, The Netherlands (Executive member)
Area associate members
Tamam Bakchoul, Germany
Sabine Blum, Switzerland 
Cristina Castilla Llorente, France 
Lydie Da Costa, France
Wojciech Jurczak, Poland
Giovanna Russo, Italy
Cynthia So-Osman, The Netherlands
AimThe aim of…

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EHA-ASH Translational Research Training in Hematology

TRTH 2025 call is now closed. What is Translational Research Training in Hematology?Translational Research Training in Hematology (TRTH) provides early-career researchers with a unique, year-long training and mentoring experience.

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Open Access: the ‘Plan S’


Research and academic groundwork funded with public means should be free and open to everyone. That is the principle behind Open Access that was formulated in 2003 in the Berlin Declaration.

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Would you sell Peripheral Blood derived Stem Cells?

There are many things that are different in the United States of America (USA) and Europe. Some of these differences are in favour of society in the USA and some in Europe.

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