
GoCART Coalition - Call for research proposals within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence

Dear GoCART community, 

With more than 1500 CAR-T infusions registered in the EBMT registry, EHA and EBMT are proud to announce a series of scientific calls within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence of the GoCART coalition.

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Burnout - it doesn't just happen to someone else

Burnout - it doesn't just happen to someone else

By Dr. med.

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The 3rd EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoproliferative and Plasma Cell Disorders

The 3rd EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoproliferative and Plasma Cell Disorders was held on February 16-18 in Lucknow, India, and chaired by Dr AK Tripathi (King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, India) and Prof G Gaidano (University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara,…

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EHA European Hematology Exam 2018 Report

1. Method
a. Format
The second European Hematology Exam took place on Wednesday, June 13 in Stockholm, Sweden, and Bern, Switzerland. The Exam consisted of 100 multiple choice questions, covering all eight sections of the European Hematology Curriculum.

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SWG Educational Activities

MeetingsSWG meetingsThe SWG on Transfusions holds monthly meetings. EHA CongressOne focus is support for all activities of the EHA Congress. At the EHA 2023 Congress, which was held in Frankfurt, some sessions on transfusion were supported virtually.

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A new targeted combination therapy with potential to eliminate relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) that has recurred or isn’t responding to standard treatment need new therapies. A new combination of two targeted therapies is showing potential to eliminate CLL in these circumstances.

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