Travel grants
Travel grant submission is now closed
Travel grants are intended to support young investigators; therefore, applicants should be 36 years of age or young and reside in one of the upper-middle, lower-middle, and low-income countries.
EHA-KCS Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma
Dates: March 14-16, 2019
Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Chairs: G Gaidano, D Kaidarova
Co-chairs: S Gabbasova, B Afanasyev
This meeting will be held in English and offer a simultaneous translation to Russian.
Hematology and oncology, pacemakers for EU HTA
EHA’s Martin Kaiser, right, addressing his fellow panelists. Left to right: Brian Cuffel (Bayer), Caroline Pothet (EMA), Roisin Adams (HTA CG), Bernhard Wörmann (DGHO) and Elisabeth de Vries (ESMO).
Read moreEHA Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Course programme
April 10, 202414:00–17:30: Red Cell and ConsultativeWelcome and presentation of the course. Aims, expectations, and a brief look back. Presenters and topics
M. de Montalembert: Difficult management problems in sickle cell disease
M. D.
EHA Research Mobility Grants
The call for applications is now open
EHA strives to develop the career of young scientists by supporting mobility and facilitating a visit to a research group in another institute.