
EuroBloodNet aims for better care for patients with rare blood disorders

ERNs is an initiative of the European Commission and consist of networks of healthcare providers and centers of excellence in Europe aimed at improving quality, safety, and access to highly specialised healthcare.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Aging and Hematology

Dates: October 12-14, 2018
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Chair: D Bron

Organized by:
EHA & the EHA Scientific Working Group on Aging and Hematology

Organizing committee:

D Bron, Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium
L Adès, Hopital Saint Louis, Paris, France
R Cordoba, Fundacion Jimenez Diaz University Hospital, Madrid, Spain
T Fulöp, Université…

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The European Hematology Association promotes excellence in patient care, research, and education in hematology. We serve medical professionals, researchers, and scientists with an active interest in hematology.

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The invisible burden of the pandemic

Writing about my perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic has been on my mind for some time.

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EHA Innovation Grant review and selection process

1. Eligibility checkAfter the deadline has passed, we'll check your application for completion and compliance with the eligibility criteria.

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The EHA Board is the governing body of the association and deals with issues of policy. The Board sets the goals and objectives of the association in conformity with the EHA's statutes.

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