
European Working Group for Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (EWALL)

The specialized working group on adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (EWALL) consists mainly of the members of the EWALL group, which is the European Working Group for Adult ALL, and which includes the leaders of the national ALL study groups in Europe.…

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Register here

The registration fee for the ESH-EBMT-EHA-IPIG 3rd Translational Research Conference: Bone Marrow Failure and Leukaemia Predisposition Syndromes is:
– 600€ for fully trained
– 300€ for in-training *
– 300€ Allied Health Professionals
– 600€ for Corporate
*A proof will be requested to confirm your status.…

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Register for the on-demand recordings

Individual registration
The virtual registration includes:

On-demand access to the recordings of the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting that took place 10-12 November, 2022.

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