
Myeloproliferative neoplasms better understood through scientific meeting

The EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Challenges in the Diagnosis and Management of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms held on October 12-14, 2017 in Budapest, Hungary received a 100% recommendation rating from attendees.

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Meet Robin Foà, our Volunteer of the Month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I have been a member of EHA from its beginning and have participated in all EHA Congresses.

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Meet Robin Foà, our Volunteer of the Month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I have been a member of EHA from its beginning and have participated in all EHA Congresses.

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EHA pays tribute to Professor Jacques-Louis Binet (1932–2024)

We would like to pause to acknowledge the passing of Professor Jacques-Louis Binet, a pioneer in clinical and biological research and an exceptional personality in hematology, on December 17, 2024.

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EHA Research Grants

The call for applications is closed. EHA Research Grants support talented junior researchers in advancing their career—for example, by helping them move towards becoming the leader of a research group.

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Meet Gert Ossenkoppele, our Volunteer of the Month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started? How did you became a volunteer? Who helped/encouraged you to become one?
I am lucky to be one of the first members of the EHA (member number 34).…

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Meet Gert Ossenkoppele, our Volunteer of the Month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started? How did you became a volunteer? Who helped/encouraged you to become one?
I am lucky to be one of the first members of the EHA (member number 34).…

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Hans Erik Johnsen 1948-2018

On May 17, 2018, just after his 70th birthday, Hans Erik Johnsen passed away. Hans Johnsen was Professor of Clinical Hematology at the Department of Hematology at Aalborg University in Denmark.

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