
Turning thoughts into reality

Turning thoughts into reality
By Dr Adi Zoref (@ZorefAdi)

I am an Israeli physician, trained in internal medicine. During my residency rotation in hematology at Meir Medical Center, I met a patient who changed my life.

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EHA-EBMT 2nd European CAR T Cell Meeting

Dates:             January 30 – February 1, 2020
Location:        Sitges (Barcelona), Spain
Chairs:            H Einsele, C Chabannon

The 2nd edition of this meeting is jointly organized by the European Hematology Association (EHA) and the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT).…

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EHA policy on double awarding

EHA is guided by the concept of supporting as many young investigators/clinicians as possible in their career development. Therefore, double awarding is not allowed. Winning an award excludes the award winner from winning another award while receiving the first.

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BENIGN HEMATOLOGY in 2023 and beyond

The term "benign hematology" has traditionally been used to refer to non-malignant blood disorders. However, over the past few years, questions have been raised as to the appropriate nomenclature for this category of diseases.

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Research in hematology has dramatically improved our understanding of hematologic diseases and resulted in many innovative, groundbreaking discoveries.

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Abstract submission

Submit your abstract for a poster presentation here

Abstract procedurePlease note that the submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the presenting author to present the abstract (if accepted) orally or as a poster in the session at the…

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Matching-adjusted indirect comparison of asciminib versus other treatments in chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia after failure of two prior tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Atallah E, Mauro MJ, Hochhaus A, Boquimpani C, Minami Y, Maheshwari VK, Saini L, Corbin R, Réa D.

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Research must provide ‘more good news on outcomes’ while patients need simple and effective information

On behalf of EHA, professor Giovanni Martinelli and professor Theo de Witte spoke of their cutting edge research and the next steps in personalized medicine research in hematology.

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