Chairs and members
ChairAli Taher, American University of Beirut Medical Center (Lebanon)
Co-chairAchille Iolascon, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
SWG Steering Committee members
Patricia Aguilar Martinez, Henri Mondor University Hospital (France)
Maria Domenica Cappellini, University of Milan (Italy)
Marta Morado, Hospital Universitario La Paz (Spain)
Martina Muckenthaler, University…
Sickle Cell Disease: From Research to Clinical Management
Elevate your expertise and impact patient care by joining the EHA's pilot preceptorship on Sickle Cell Disease, designed for early-career hematology specialists, clinicians, lab technicians, and pathologists.
Read moreEducation Committee
Current committee members
Kirsten Grønbæk, Denmark (Chair)
Jose Tomás Navarro Ferrando, Spain (Vice-Chair)
Meritxell Alberich Jordà, Czech Republic (Board Member, Councilor)
Antonio Almeida, Portugal (EHA President)
Ruxandra Irimia, Romania (Representative, Young EHA)
Marielle Wondergem, The Netherlands (Chair, Education Editors Group)
Raul Córdoba Mascuñano, Spain (Chair, Community &…
Quality of Life and Symptoms
The goals of the SWG are:
To promote the evaluation of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in hematology in daily clinical practice and in clinical trials.
Pediatric Hematology
The SWG on Pediatric Hematology has several key goals for the next four years (2024–2026):
To further develop our role as the voice of pediatric hematology within EHA
To reach out to YEHA pediatric hematologists to develop educational material to underpin our…
EHA-SfPM Precision Medicine Meeting
EHA and SfPM (Society for Functional Precision Medicine) are proud to present the first joint meeting on Precision Medicine.
Read moreGuidelines Committee
Current committee members
Carlo Dufour, Italy (Chair)
Martin Dreyling, Germany (Vice-Chair)
Steffen Koschmieder, Germany (Executive member)
Marieke Kruip, The Netherlands (Executive member)
Area associate members
Tamam Bakchoul, Germany
Sabine Blum, Switzerland
Cristina Castilla Llorente, France
Lydie Da Costa, France
Wojciech Jurczak, Poland
Noémi Roy, United Kingdom
Giovanna Russo, Italy
Cynthia So-Osman, The Netherlands
SPC Advisory Board, EHA2025 Congress
Current committee members
Lorena Arranz, Norway
Peter Borchmann, Germany
Veronika Buxhofer-Ausch, Austria
Ana Cvejic, Denmark
Matteo Della Porta, Italy
Michael Doubek, Czechia
Andreas Glenthøj, Denmark
Maria Gomes da Silva, Portugal
Julia Hauer, Germany
Daniel Hodson, United Kingdom
Cristina João, Portugal
Sören Lehmann, Sweden
Tamás Masszi, Hungary
Karinna Meijer, The Netherlands
Jamie O'Sullivan, Ireland
Cristina Papayannidis, Italy
Dexamethasone treatment for COVID-19 is related to increased mortality in hematologic malignancy patients: results from the EPICOVIDEHA registry
Aiello TF, Salmanton-Garcia J, Marchesi F, et al. Haematologica. 2024 Aug 1;109(8):2693-2700.