EHA-SFH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Société Française d’Hématologie. We've joined forces with the Société Française d’Hématologie (SFH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreJean Bernard Lifetime Achievement Award
The Jean Bernard Lifetime Achievement Award was established in 2008 to honor outstanding physicians and scientists for their lifetime contribution to the advancement of hematology.
Read moreEHA Education & Mentoring Award
“Educating and mentoring are a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. ”
Through this award, EHA recognized excellent teachers and mentors at any stage of their career.
David Grimwade Award
In 2017, EHA established a new award in honor of the late David Grimwade, for his great involvement and contribution to the European Hematology Association and its scientific activities as Board Member, TRTH Co-Director and Chair of the Scientific Program…
Read moreJosé Carreras Award
José Carreras, who himself underwent a transplant procedure in Seattle, USA, in 1988, was instrumental in setting up the José Carreras Foundation in Barcelona. The Foundation has established a program of scholarships for scientists working in the field.
Read moreTravel Grants
Travel grant application is now closed. Travel grants are intended to support young investigators to participate in the 7th European CAR T-cell Meeting; therefore, applicants should be 40 years of age or younger.
Read moreAbstract & Clinical Case Submission
Abstract submission is an important part of the 7th European CAR T-cell Meeting.
Read moreHematology Education & Training
The European Hematology Association (EHA) is the largest provider of independent, evidence-based, and peer-reviewed medical and scientific education in hematology in Europe.
Read moreNomination criteria
General criteriaOur refreshed EHA Awards program is designed to recognize and encourage the extraordinary achievements of individuals across the field of hematology. Eligibility
To nominate or be nominated, you must be an EHA member.