
EHA Education & Mentoring Award

“Educating and mentoring are a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.

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In collaboration with SIOPE, we have developed a syllabus for pediatric hematology (non-malignant and malignant) which will be officially launched in 2024. The syllabus will be the basis for our future activities in the educational space.

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Introducing YoungEHA: you don’t have to grow old to make a difference

By Dr. Fabienne Lucas, MD PhD, YoungEHA Committee. Hearing exciting new research, attending lectures by leaders in the field, and networking are some of the obvious things that are happening during the annual EHA congress.

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SWG Educational Activities

Past EHA (HOPE) Asia 2021 meeting 10-11 September 2021, Virutal

Laane - Systematic review of literature on multiple myeloma EHA evidence-based “Guidelines for the use of patient-reported outcomes in adult patients with hematological malignancies” in progress - Systematic review of literature…

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EHA Exam

EHA Exam 2025
The 9th European Hematology Exam will take place in June 2025. Main exam session
The main exam session will be held during the EHA2025 Hybrid Congress in Milan, Italy.

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