
Adolescents and young adults (AYA)

Spotlight on AYAAdolescents and young adults (AYA) with hematologic diseases are a unique group with special characteristics and needs. In recent years, the challenges related to the management of AYA (particularly in relation to cancer) have increasingly been recognized.

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Substances of Human Origin (SoHO) legislation

EHA’s involvementEHA has been involved in both the evaluation and subsequent revision of the EU legislation on human blood and blood components. The evaluation of these rules, which dated back to 2002, began in 2016.

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Advocacy priorities

The European Union works on countless pieces of legislation and policies that affect the health ecosystem. Some are relevant to most medical disciplines, including hematology—such as the legislation on health data or pharmaceuticals.

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Selected EMA news

September 2024Safety update
Withdrawal of Oxbryta (Voxelotor) – marketing authorisation suspended
Treatment of haemolytic anaemia (excessive breakdown of red blood cells) due to sickle cell disease
New medicines approved
Adzynma (rADAMTS13) - orphan medicine
Treatment of congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (an inherited clotting disorder)

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Burnout survey

The burnout survey is open until 23:59 on October 11, 2024. Complete the survey now

Burnout in hematologyBurnout is, in broad terms, a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

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EHA Meetings

Welcome to the overview of upcoming EHA meetings. More information regarding the meetings is available on the individual meeting pages which will be regularly updated.  

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