
Survey Monitoring H2020 – your input is needed!

We need your input to improve Horizon 2020 and the next Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Union.

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EHA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award 2024

The EHA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award celebrates achievements that foster inclusivity. It recognizes efforts taken by individuals, teams, or organizations (collectively “candidate”) to promote DEI within leadership, initiatives, and overall work.

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EHA-SPSHTM joint membership

Save up to €75 by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Scientific and Practical Society of Hematologists and Transfusiologists from the Republic of Moldova.

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Bleeding and Thrombosis

The objectives of the SWG on ‘Bleeding and Thrombosis’ are:

To promote education in the field of blood coagulation, including mechanisms, prevention, and treatment of bleeding and thrombotic disorders.

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European Affairs

Advocating & collaborating for hematologyEHA serves as the face and voice of hematology and hematology professionals in Europe.

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Chairs and Members

ChairProf Dr Carlo Dufour, Gaslini Children’s Research Hospital, Genova (Italy)

Co-chairProf Dr Helen Papadaki, Institution University Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion, Crete (Greece)

SWG Executive Board members
Kim De Keersmaecker, University of Leuven (Belgium)
Francesca Fioredda, G.

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EHA response to the EU’s Pharma Revision

Last week, the European Affairs team finalised EHA's response to the proposed revision of the EU (European Union) Pharmaceutical Legislation. In April 2023, the European Commission published a proposed Directive and Regulation to replace the current, outdated legal framework.

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Nomination Committee

Current committee members
Tony Green, United Kingdom (Chair)
Regular members
Maria Ester Bernardo, Italy
Jan Cools, Belgium
Sabine Eichinger, Austria
Shai Izraeli, Israel
Irene Roberts, United Kingdom
AimThe Nomination Committee (NC) is responsible for ensuring the quality of the EHA Board related to scientific and educational background, and balance…

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