
EHA Kick-off Grant review and selection process

1. Eligibility checkAfter the deadline has passed, we'll check your application for completion and compliance with the eligibility criteria.

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YoungEHA featured in the European Medical Journal!

As part of a series of interviews conducted at this year’s EHA congress in Amsterdam, the European Medical Journal has published their highly insightful discussions with three distinct members: Professor Shai Izraeli, Professor Barbara Bain, and YoungEHA’s very own Dr…

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Registration is now closed.

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Nomination criteria

General criteriaOur refreshed EHA Awards program is designed to recognize and encourage the extraordinary achievements of individuals across the field of hematology. Eligibility
To nominate or be nominated, you must be an EHA member.

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Novel basis for chemoresistance in AML: DNMT3A R882 mutations promote chemoresistance and residual disease through impaired DNA damage sensing

Although most acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients initially respond to chemotherapy, the majority subsequently relapses and succumbs to refractory disease. Residual leukemic cells that survived chemotherapy may persist over time and later cause the disease to come back.

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