Fundamentals for a Systematic Approach to Mild and Moderate Inherited Bleeding Disorders: An EHA Consensus Report
Healthy subjects frequently report minor bleedings that are frequently ‘background noise’ of normality rather than a true disorder. Nevertheless, unexpected or unusual bleeding may be alarming.
Read moreEHA Guidelines by Topic
AL Amyloidosis
Guidelines for high dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation for systemic AL amyloidosis: EHA-ISA working group guidelines (2021)
Guidelines for non-transplant chemotherapy for treatment of systemic AL amyloidosis: EHA-ISA working group (2022)
Recommendations regarding splenectomy in hereditary hemolytic anemias (2017)
Management of…
EHA-HSH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Hellenic Society of Haematology. We've joined forces with the Hellenic Society of Haematology (HSH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreExpert opinions for COVID-19 vaccination in patients with hematologic cancer
Ronja Brockhoff, Hamdi Akan, Rafael Duarte, Martin Hönigl, Nikolay Klimko, Sibylle C. Mellinghoff, Livio Pagano, Antonio Pagliuca, Paul Verweij, Oliver A.
Read moreT2EVOLVE: breakthrough alliance boosting Europe to the forefront of cancer immunotherapy
This press release is originally found here: http://prn. to/2YF7Js3
THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Feb. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- T2EVOLVE is a new breakthrough alliance of academic and industry leaders in cancer immunotherapy under the European Union's Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).
Challenges and opportunities in the diagnostics and management of onco-hematological patients under the microscope during tutorial in Russia
Onco-hematology was the focus of the two-day EHA Hematology Tutorial in Moscow, Russia, the third joint tutorial organized by EHA, the National Hematological Society (NHS) and the Russian-Oncohematology Society (ROHS).
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