
SWG Educational Activities

In 2021, the SWG on Multiple Myeloma contributed a major part of the ESMO-EHA guidelines for multiple myeloma. The rapid changes of the treatment landscape for this disease require an adaptation of the guidelines.

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Highlights from the SWG

Joint work with the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), and the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) to produce guidance on antithrombotic treatment in patients with hemophilia.

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Antithrombotic Treatment in Patients With Hemophilia: an EHA-ISTH-EAHAD-ESO Clinical Practice Guidance
Schutgens REG, Jimenez-Yuste V, Escobar M, Falanga A, Gigante B, Klamroth R, Lassila R, Leebeek FWG, Makris M, Owaidah T, Sholzberg M, Tiede A, Werring DJ, van der Worp HB,…

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SWG Educational Activities

EHA Congress, Frankfurt 2023:

Guidelines presentation on anti-thrombotic treatment in hemophilia
SWG Symposium on Bleeding and Thrombosis

Joint webinar with the SWG on Thrombocytopenias and Platelet Function Disorders, October 2023.

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Highlights from the SWG

Project groupsPan-European Transfusion Research infrAstructure (PETRA) projectThe European Blood Alliance has provided funding for a health science data project entitled: ‘Towards a Pan-European Transfusion Research infrAstructure (PETRA).

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Fundamentals for a Systematic Approach to Mild and Moderate Inherited Bleeding Disorders: An EHA Consensus Report

Healthy subjects frequently report minor bleedings that are frequently ‘background noise’ of normality rather than a true disorder. Nevertheless, unexpected or unusual bleeding may be alarming.

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Curriculum-Exam Committee

Current committee members
Jose Tomás Navarro Ferrando, Spain (Chair)
Marielle Wondergem, The Netherlands (Vice-Chair and Progress test lead)
Alicia Rovó, Switzerland (Representative, Swiss Society)
Regular members
Gunnar Birgegård, Sweden
Roza Chaireti, Sweden
Carlos Fernández de Larrea, Spain
Mahesh Prahladan, United Kingdom
Ulla Wartiovaara-Kautto, Finland
AimTo promote harmonization in hematology training…

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EHA-ASH TRTH Joint Oversight Committee

Current committee members
Janis Abkowitz
David Bodine
Chiara Bonini
Ruud Delwel
Mary Dinauer
Terry Fry
Jessica Okosun
Kostas Stamatopoulos
AimTo develop, in collaboration with ASH, translational researchers in Europe and beyond by running the TRTH program while maintaining quality of the program elements by choosing and guiding the faculty…

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European Board for Accreditation in Hematology

Current committee members
Peter van den Burg, The Netherlands (Chair and ISBT representative—transfusion medicine)
Michelle Kenyon, United Kingdom (EBMT Nurses Group representative—Specialized Hematology Professional)
Fionnuala Ní Áinle, Ireland (ISTH representative—thrombosis and hemostasis)
Annalisa Ruggeri, Italy (Representative, clinical hematology)
Isabel Sanchez-Ortega, Spain (EBMT representative)
Ana Filipa Marques…

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