
EHA-AHA-GBMA Mini Hematology Tutorial

For the first time EHA is collaborating simultaneously with the Armenian Hematology Association (AHA) and Georgian Association For Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation (GBMTA) in a virtual Mini Hematology Tutorial.

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Meet Robin Foà, our Volunteer of the Month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I have been a member of EHA from its beginning and have participated in all EHA Congresses.

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Meet Robin Foà, our Volunteer of the Month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I have been a member of EHA from its beginning and have participated in all EHA Congresses.

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EHA response to the EU’s Pharma Revision

Last week, the European Affairs team finalised EHA's response to the proposed revision of the EU (European Union) Pharmaceutical Legislation. In April 2023, the European Commission published a proposed Directive and Regulation to replace the current, outdated legal framework.

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EHA joins ESMO in calling for EU action on shortages of essential medicines

EHA joins ESMO in calling for EU action on shortages of essential medicines

The European Hematology Association (EHA) has endorsed and signed a collective Call to Action, prepared by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), on shortages of inexpensive, essential…

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EHA, in partnership with ISTH, award two fellows to support global educational opportunities

EHA and the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) jointly awarded two joint ISTH-EHA Training Fellowships to Araci Rondon (The Netherlands) and Dianne van der Wal (Australia).

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