
“Complement-ing” positive outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dr Dimitrios Mastellos (@dmastellos)

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on research worldwide. Multiple projects have been halted and researchers have lost their jobs.

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Mission ‘Gene Therapy’ for Horizon Europe

Mission ‘Gene Therapy’ for Horizon Europe

Advanced therapies, such as gene therapy, hold promise for treating a wide range of chronic diseases and improving patients’ quality of life.

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Message from the EHA President

As the year closes, is with great pleasure that I reflect on 2021, six months into my Presidency of the European Hematology Association (EHA). It is also time to look forward to the new year.

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EHA Research Grant review and selection process

1. Eligibility checkAfter the deadline has passed, we'll check your application for completion and compliance with the eligibility criteria.

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Challenges and opportunities in the diagnostics and management of onco-hematological patients under the microscope during tutorial in Russia

Onco-hematology was the focus of the two-day EHA Hematology Tutorial in Moscow, Russia, the third joint tutorial organized by EHA, the National Hematological Society (NHS) and the Russian-Oncohematology Society (ROHS).

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Grants & abstract awards

EHA Travel GrantsThe call for travel grant applications closed on March 1, 2025 (23:59 CET). The grants will only be available for investigators with accepted abstracts, submitted during the regular abstract submission.

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