
EHA Library - watch selected Congress content

On the EHA Library, you can find educational resources and browse open-source material from past EHA Congresses and Meetings. You can already browse the EHA2024 Congress abstracts and select content on the EHA Library.

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EHA2024 Hybrid Congress

Thank you all for joining us in Madrid for the 29th European Hematology Association Congress!

The EHA2024 Congress platform is now closed. You may browse selected content through the EHA Library, EHA Open access library.

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Gdf -11 a new target to improve anemia in thalassemia.


β-thalassemias are characterized by ineffective red blood cell (RBC) production, leading to anemia, iron overload, and organ failure. As current treatment options for β-thalassemia are limited, there is a clear unmet need for alternative therapies.

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SWG Educational Activities

Past EHA (HOPE) Asia 2021 meeting 10-11 September 2021, Virutal

Laane - Systematic review of literature on multiple myeloma EHA evidence-based “Guidelines for the use of patient-reported outcomes in adult patients with hematological malignancies” in progress - Systematic review of literature…

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EHA2022 Gallery

Thank you to the Faculty, delegates, and industry partners for contributing to the EHA2022 Hybrid Congress.

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SWG Educational Activities

Symposium on ‘Aging and Hematology’Title‘Octogenarians, the oldest old. ’

Date and timeFriday, June 9, 2023, from 09:45-10:45. LocationRoom Fantasie, Frankfurt Messe, Frankfurt, Germany. Speakers
The scientist perspective—Kristina Kirschner (United Kingdom). The hematologist perspective—Valentin Goede (Germany).

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