SWG Educational Activities
2023 meetingsThe following EHA-SWG meetings took place in the past calendar year:
54th General Assembly of ERIC members at ELN Symposium 2023
Mannheim, Germany
April 18, 2023
ERIC/Brazilian CLL Group workshop on biomarkers in CLL
Brasilia, Brazil
May 25–26, 2023
55th General Assembly of ERIC members at…
Highlights from the SWG
SWG session at EHA2023The EHA2023 Congress was held in Frankfurt, Germany, in June 2023. As part of this event, the SWG held a session on Saturday, June 10, 2023. Title‘Stem cells: Clonal and mutational dynamics of hematopoietic stem cells.
Read moreEuropean Hematologists will discuss breakthroughs in blood disorders in Milan, Italy - June 12-15, 2014
About the EHA Annual Congress
Hematology is a specialty that covers everything to do with blood: its origin in the bone marrow, diseases of blood and their treatments.
Guidelines for hematologists
For guidance regarding COVID-19, see FAQ by the EHA SWG on Infections
EHA creates clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of hematologic diseases.
Highlights from the SWG
Joint work with the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), and the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) to produce guidance on antithrombotic treatment in patients with hemophilia.
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