
How to apply for an EHA Kick-off Grant

On this page, we explain all of the actions you'll need to take when submitting an EHA Kick-off Grant application.

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Highlights from the SWG

The ERIC International Preceptorship, Realizing Precision Medicine in CLL: Why and How
Stresa, Italy
November 17–18, 2023
PublicationsRecent ERIC publications include:

The evolving landscape of COVID-19 and post-COVID condition in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Other malignancies in the history of CLL: an international multicenter study conducted…

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Evidence and policy to ensure good clinical practice

Interview with Vinay Prasad MD MPH by Heiko Becker MD, on behalf of YoungEHA

Leaders in the field that have the potential to make a difference, that challenge the way we are doing things, who push our perspective out of our…

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EBAH CME policy

Welcome to the EBAH CME Accreditation policy for EHA2025 Congress. Below you will find an overview of the EBAH CME credits that can be collected for physical attendance as well as virtual attendance of the sessions.

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YoungEHA Mentorship Mixer at EHA2024

Hosted by the YoungEHA Committee, the Mentorship Mixer is a pilot event for a potential EHA mentorship program.

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Other Useful Resources

Latest EMA publications on COVID-19 vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen: update on safety issues
First COVID-19 vaccine approved for children aged 12 to 15 in EU
Insufficient data on use of inhaled corticosteroids to treat COVID-19
EMA issues advice on use of sotrovimab (VIR-7831) for…

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