Previous winners, 2012–2022
2022 winners
Alexandre Fagnan
Junior Research Grant 2022
Deciphering the chromatin remodeling mechanism mediated by GATA2 ZnF1 mutations in AML
Samuele Ferrari
Junior Research Grant 2022
Innovative targeted base editing strategies for gene correction of WHIM syndrome
Lars Velten
Advanced Research Grant 2022
The role of the DNA methylation…
Highlights from the SWG
SWG AML Annual Scientific MeetingThe most recent SWG AML Annual Scientific Meeting took place during the annual EHA Congress in Frankfurt, Germany.
Read morePublications
The EBMT/EHA CAR-T Cell Handbook
Editors: Nicolaus Kröger, John Gribben, Christian Chabannon, Ibrahim Yakoub-Agha, Hermann Einsele. 2022, ISBN 978-3-030-94352-3 ISBN 978-3-030-94353-0 (eBook).
SWG Educational Activities
Social and public activitiesSince 2020, Prof Hermann Einsele has been a Councilor to the EHA Board. Scientific activitiesFifth European CAR T-cell meetingDateFebruary 9–11, 2023. LocationRotterdam, The Netherlands.
Read moreHighlights from the SWG
SWG Committee meetingsIn 2023, the SWG Committee held meetings on:
February 21, 2023—online
April 6, 2023—in The Hague
June 8, 2023—at the EHA Congress 2023 in Frankfurt
In addition, an SWG Chairs and Committee Meeting was held on September 29, 2023, in The Hague.…
Highlights from the SWG
The European Scientific foundation for Laboratory Hemato Oncology (ESLHO), together with the three scientific consortia of EuroClonality, EuroMRD, and EuroFlow, share the same four goals:
Research and innovation of diagnostic patient care
Standardization of laboratory diagnostics
Quality assessment
ESLHO supports the three consortia in…
The publications of the ESLHO networks can be found on the following pages:
EuroFlow publications
EuroMRD publications
EuroClonality publications
The publications from 2023 are also listed below.
Machado HE, Mitchell E, Øbro NF, Kübler K, Davies M, Leongamornlert D, Cull A, Maura F, Sanders MA, Cagan ATJ, McDonald C, Belmonte M, Shepherd MS, Vieira Braga FA, Osborne RJ, Mahbubani K, Martincorena I, Laurenti E, Green AR, Getz…
Read morePublications
Subconjunctival injection of mesenchymal stromal cells protects the cornea in an experimental model of GVHD. Martínez-Carrasco R, Sánchez-Abarca LI, Nieto-Gómez C, García EM, Sánchez-Guijo F, Argüeso P, Aijón J, Hernández-Galilea E, Velasco A. Ocul Surf. 2019 Jan 7.
Read moreHighlights from the SWG
Standards for functional precision medicine projectStandards for functional precision medicine, a project initiated by EHA's SWG on Precision Hematology, received a 2023 SWG Grant and is currently underway.
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