
EHA endorses the International COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition (ICBCC) Statement

On February 21, the COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition (ICBCC), a multi-stakeholder coalition including representatives from the global patient advocacy and clinical community, launched its Joint Patient Impact Statement and Recommendations for protecting immunocompromised blood cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Junior membership

If you're at an early stage in your career, junior membership can be a great way to:

Expand your knowledge
Make connections
Access EHA's early career opportunities
Stay up to date with the latest developments
As a junior member, you can also apply for EHA…

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Emeritus membership

If you're a scientific researcher, physician, or healthcare-affiliated professional who's now retired or is close to retirement, you can join EHA at a reduced rate.

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Stem Cells Journal Club

Join us for engaging, relatable, and memorable discussions about scientific findings. What is the Stem Cells Journal Club?The Stem Cells Journal Club is a way to get the 'inside scoop' on the development of some inspirational hematology papers.

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Healthcare-affiliated professional membership

You don't need to be scientific researcher or a physician to join our vibrant community.

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BENIGN HEMATOLOGY in 2023 and beyond

The term "benign hematology" has traditionally been used to refer to non-malignant blood disorders. However, over the past few years, questions have been raised as to the appropriate nomenclature for this category of diseases.

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The HARMONY project: learning to work in BIG (DATA) teams

The HARMONY project: learning to work in BIG (DATA) teams

By Anna Kabanova PhD, YoungEHA committee member

On 26 and 27 September 2019 several YoungEHA members, including myself, had the chance to participate in the 4th General Assembly of the HARMONY Alliance…

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