
A brand new EHA website!

You may already have noticed the new EHA look & feel.  We are proud to share it with you already.  We are currently migrating all our pages and related information.

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Two genes cooperate to trigger leukemia development

Congratulations to the international group of researchers led by HemaSphere Editor-in-Chief Prof.

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2018’s Sjöberg Prize awarded for unique treatment that cures a once fatal cancer

Dr. Zhu Chen, Dr. Anne Dejean and Dr. Hugues de Thé will be awarded the Sjöberg Prize 2018 for their work on how acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) could be cured based on arsenic and retinoic acid.

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Welcome to the Hotel Accommodation page for the EHA2025 Congress. Hotel Information and Official Housing Bureau

INTERPLAN AG is the official housing bureau for the EHA2025 Congress.

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