
EHA endorses the International COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition (ICBCC) Statement

On February 21, the COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition (ICBCC), a multi-stakeholder coalition including representatives from the global patient advocacy and clinical community, launched its Joint Patient Impact Statement and Recommendations for protecting immunocompromised blood cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Highlights of the EHA-EMA Joint Symposium on RWE

The fourth EHA-EMA Joint Symposium at EHA2024 brought together investigators, regulators and patients to discuss the use of real world evidence (RWE) in the evaluation of new drugs.

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A new form of inherited thrombocytopenia (ETV6-related thrombocytopenia, ETV6-RT): NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!

A new form of inherited thrombocytopenia (ETV6-related thrombocytopenia, ETV6-RT): NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!

We recently discovered a new form of an inherited deficiency of platelets (inherited thrombocytopenia-IT), which is caused by mutations in the ETV6-gene.

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Recommendation for hematologists in COVID-19 crisis

Recommendations for hematologists in COVID-19 crisis
COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, is expected to be a devastating infection in patients with active cancer. It should be taken seriously and managed rigorously without jeopardizing the curative chance of individual cancer patients.

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