Is CBTH for me?
CBTH provides the development of computational biology skills for scholars who want to build successful careers in hematology research.
Read moreEHA collaborates with THD to provide critical aid to hematologists
The Hague (Netherlands), June 23, 2023. The European Hematology Association (EHA) is proud to announce its partnership with the Türk Hematoloji Derneği (THD) in a joint effort to support hematologists working in earthquake-affected areas in Türkiye and Syria.
Read moreThe European Parliament adopts the Regulation on Substances of Human Origins (SoHO)
On April 24, the European Parliament gave its final endorsement to the regulation on Substances of Human Origin (SoHO).
Read moreRevising the ICH Guidelines on Clinical Trials
The EHA delegation to the ICH meeting: from left to right, Professors Christian Gisselbrecht, Steven Le Gouill and Martin Dreyling. Clinical trials and drug development have become more complex over the years.
Read morePrivacy statement
May 21, 2021
Privacy Statement European Hematology Association
Personal Data is processed in the context of the services provided by European Hematology Association (hereinafter also; “EHA”).
T2EVOLVE: breakthrough alliance boosting Europe to the forefront of cancer immunotherapy
This press release is originally found here: http://prn. to/2YF7Js3
THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Feb. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- T2EVOLVE is a new breakthrough alliance of academic and industry leaders in cancer immunotherapy under the European Union's Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).