
SWG Educational Activities

MeetingsSWG meetingsThe SWG on Transfusions holds monthly meetings. EHA CongressOne focus is support for all activities of the EHA Congress. At the EHA 2023 Congress, which was held in Frankfurt, some sessions on transfusion were supported virtually.

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European Hematologists will discuss breakthroughs in blood disorders in Milan, Italy - June 12-15, 2014

About the EHA Annual Congress

Hematology is a specialty that covers everything to do with blood: its origin in the bone marrow, diseases of blood and their treatments.

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José Carreras Award handed out at the 17th Congress of EHA

He has made seminal contributions to myeloma cell biology. These included studies of the diagnostic and prognostic roles of immunophenotyping, morphology and molecular genetics together with investigation of disease evolution and the significance of minimal residual disease.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Shaping the Future of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Therapy

The EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Shaping the Future of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Therapy brought together basic science, as well as translational and clinical research on November 23-25, 2017 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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EHA Research Conference

On this page, you will find the Sponsor Program for the EHA Research Conference 2024.  If the Sponsor Program does not display correctly, please click here or download the file. Click here to learn more about the meeting.

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Hematology Tutorials

Hematology Tutorials are courses aiming to provide laboratory and clinical hematologists with an integrated diagnostic and clinical work-up of hematological disorders.

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Great new opportunity for the YoungEHA community!

Great new opportunity for the YoungEHA community!
by Dr Nuno Borges, YoungEHA committee

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has launched the 'Collaborating Expert Programme' - an initiative which aims to increase co-operation between European countries to improve research into medicinal products.…

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Abstract submission

Submit your abstract here

Abstract procedurePlease note that the submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the presenting author to present the abstract (if accepted) orally or as a poster in the session at the time assigned by the…

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