
Chairs and Members

Chair (2022–2025 term)Philipp Staber, Medical University Vienna (Austria)

Co-chair (2022–2025 term)Caroline Heckman, FIMM, Helsinki (Finland)

SWG Steering Committee members (2022–2025 term)
Jean-Pierre Bourquin, Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich (Switzerland)
Kirsten Grønbæk, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Eva Hellström Lindberg, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (Sweden)
Ulrich Jäger, Medical University Vienna (Austria)
Luca Malcovati,…

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Chairs and Members

Chair (2023–2026)Marieke Essers, German Cancer Research Center (German)

Co-chair (2023–2026)Elisa Laurenti, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)

SWG Steering Committee members (2023–2026)
Konstantinos Kokkaliaris, Frankfurt University (German)
Mirjam Belderbos, Prinses Maxima Center Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Simona Valetta, University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
David Kent (United Kingdom)
Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid…

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EHA2025 delegate services [draft]

EHA is pleased to introduce delegate services for the upcoming EHA2025 Congress—services that registered participants can use prior, during, or after the event. Special airline fare

Enjoy a discounted flight rate and join us in Milan.

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Chairs and Members

ChairJane Apperley

Co-chairAndreas Hochhaus

Executive Board members (2021–2027 term)
Prof Nicholas CP Cross, University of Southampton (UK)
Prof Oliver Hantschel, University of Marburg (Germany)
Dr Delphine Rea, University of Paris (France)
Dr Katerina Machova Polakova, Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague; Charles University (Czech Republic)

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Preanalytical WG

Reviewing SOPs for sample handling and storage to ensure uniformity across the consortium. Overseeing the logistics of sample collection. Defining the minimum (core markers) and extended panels for immunophenotyping. Establishing good practice sampling for retrospective analysis.

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European Hematology Curriculum

Harmonization of hematology knowledge is part of EHA’s mission. The first step in harmonizing hematology training is to stipulate the required fields of knowledge, each with its recommended level of competence.

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