
Burnout survey

The burnout survey closed on October 25, 2024. Burnout in hematologyBurnout is, in broad terms, a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

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Genome sequencing of thousands of patients with rare blood disorders

Approximately 3M people have a rare bleeding disorder or disease of platelets, which are the cell fragments that help blood clot. The genetic causes of dozens of such disorders are known (e. g.

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EHA Guidelines on Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemias in Adults

Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) is a disease of the elderly, and by far the most frequent overlap myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm in adults.

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Highlights from the SWG

SWG AML Annual Scientific MeetingThe most recent SWG AML Annual Scientific Meeting took place during the annual EHA Congress in Frankfurt, Germany.

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EHA Congratulates the 2021 Bilateral Collaborative Grant Winners

The Hague, April 25, 2022 –EHA congratulates four talented researchers in Hematology on their receipt of the inaugural EHA Bilateral Collaborative Grants 2021 after a rigorous selection process.

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