
EHA Meeting Hub

Book a free-of-charge space at EHA2025 where you can meet your colleagues and further your work in person. What is the EHA Meeting Hub?The EHA Meeting Hub is a bookable on-site space at the EHA Congress venue in Milan.

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Nominate yourself

You can nominate yourself for an EHA Board role as long as you have:

Any type of EHA membership apart from healthcare-affiliated membership
Paid your annual membership fees
If you're unsure how to pay your annual membership fees, visit our renew your membership…

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EHA-SPSHTM joint membership

Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Scientific and Practical Society of Hematologists and Transfusiologists from the Republic of Moldova.

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EHA Award winners put in the spotlight in Copenhagen

The EHA-José Carreras Non-Clinical Junior Fellowship is made possible with the support of the German José Carreras Foundation.

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