
King Baudouin Foundation – Calls with a relevance to hematology

The King Baudouin Foundation is an actor for change and innovation, serving the public interest and increasing social cohesion. It endeavours to maximise its impact through capacity building among organisations and people who contribute to building a better society.

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EHA Guidelines on Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias

EHA and the Scientific Working Group on Red Cells and Iron organized the first online workshop on the EHA Guidelines: “Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias”.

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EHA-BMSH Balkan Hematology Tutorial

EHA is joining the Bulgarian Medical Society of Hematology (BMSH) to organize the EHA-BMSH Balkan Hematology Tutorial on Myeloproliferative disorders.

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EHA-ASH TRTH Joint Oversight Committee

Current committee members
Janis Abkowitz
David Bodine
Chiara Bonini
Ruud Delwel
Mary Dinauer
Terry Fry
Jessica Okosun
Kostas Stamatopoulos
AimTo develop, in collaboration with ASH, translational researchers in Europe and beyond by running the TRTH program while maintaining quality of the program elements by choosing and guiding the faculty…

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The European Hematology Association (EHA) announces an Invitation to Tender (ITT) for PCO services for the EHA Annual Congress

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is pleased to inform the conference and meeting community that it will release an Invitation To Tender (ITT) for the appointment of a Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) for the EHA Congress in 2023.

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