
Call for urgent action on medicine shortages in Europe

Medicine shortages are an increasing problem across Europe, posing a severe threat to patient outcomes and patient safety. In a new position paper the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) presents nine recommendations for addressing the shortages crisis.

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Hematology Tutorials

Hematology Tutorials are courses aiming to provide laboratory and clinical hematologists with an integrated diagnostic and clinical work-up of hematological disorders.

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Air France-KLM discount

A 10% discount on Air France or KLM airfares for EHA2025 attendees. If you'll be flying to EHA2025, you can benefit from a special discount courtesy of Air France-KLM Global Meetings & Events.

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EHA-SEHH joint membership

Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemotherapia. We've joined forces with the Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemotherapia (SEHH) to offer a special joint membership deal.

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EHA-SIE joint membership

Save money and time money by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Società Italiana di Ematologia. We've joined forces with the Società Italiana di Ematologia (SIE) to offer a special joint membership deal.

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