
Precision Hematology

Definition: SWG-Precision Hematology focus on precision medicine for malignant hematology.

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What an EHA Innovation Grant supports

Our EHA Innovation Grant supports high-quality clinical or translational research in hematology. To reflect the collaborative spirit of the grant, no more than 40% of the total grant should be allocated to one member of the consortium.

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Belgium shares EU health priorities for Council Presidency

On December 8, Belgium held a conference to unveil its program for the upcoming Council of the EU Presidency (website), to start on January 1, 2024.

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National societies

EHA pursues close collaboration with the national hematology societies to ensure that the professional hematology community in Europe is served in the best possible way.

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Hematology Education & Training

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is the largest provider of independent, evidence-based, and peer-reviewed medical and scientific education in hematology in Europe.

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Emeritus membership

If you're a scientific researcher, physician, or healthcare-affiliated professional who's now retired or is close to retirement, you can join EHA at a reduced rate.

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Regulatory affairs & scientific relations

EHA’s regulatory work: European Medicines AgencyMost of EHA’s regulatory work entails collaboration with the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

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What can I expect?

Learning Objectives
To have a greater understanding of computational techniques as applied to haematological datasets,
To improve personal computational biology skillset, tailored to the project,
To further develop and widen your network of potential collaborators, both in terms of peer group and…

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