
Be part of the EHA community

How you can take an active role and help drive EHA's direction. As a membership organization, EHA is dependent on the dedication of its board and committee members.

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Myeloproliferative neoplasms better understood through scientific meeting

The EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Challenges in the Diagnosis and Management of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms held on October 12-14, 2017 in Budapest, Hungary received a 100% recommendation rating from attendees.

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Research must provide ‘more good news on outcomes’ while patients need simple and effective information

On behalf of EHA, professor Giovanni Martinelli and professor Theo de Witte spoke of their cutting edge research and the next steps in personalized medicine research in hematology.

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Statement of Solidarity after Earthquake in Morocco

On behalf of the European Hematology Association, I would like to express my deepest condolences and heartfelt support to the people of Morocco who have been affected by the recent earthquake.

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Matching-adjusted indirect comparison of asciminib versus other treatments in chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia after failure of two prior tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Atallah E, Mauro MJ, Hochhaus A, Boquimpani C, Minami Y, Maheshwari VK, Saini L, Corbin R, Réa D.

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EHA2024 Hybrid Congress

Thank you all for joining us in Madrid for the 29th European Hematology Association Congress!

The EHA2024 Congress platform is now closed. You may browse selected content through the EHA Library, EHA Open access library.

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