
Anna Vardi Physician Scientist Research Grant winner 2018

Please tell us more about yourself (name, lab, short bio)
I am Anna Vardi. I am currently working as a Consultant Hematologist at the Hematology Department and HCT Unit, G. Papanikolaou Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece, under the Directorship of Dr.

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The 3rd EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoproliferative and Plasma Cell Disorders

The 3rd EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoproliferative and Plasma Cell Disorders was held on February 16-18 in Lucknow, India, and chaired by Dr AK Tripathi (King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, India) and Prof G Gaidano (University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara,…

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SWG Educational Activities

EICMLThe 2023 EICML meeting took place in Naples in May 2023. Fifty-five physicians and scientists met at the Palazzo Alabardieri in central Naples to spend two days discussing emerging data and developing collaborations.

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Press Release: Economic burden of blood disorders in EU is €23 billion

The economic burden of blood disorders across the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland amounts to €23 billion per year.

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Training vital for new era of patient-centric healthcare

Christine Chomienne, president of the European Hematology Association (EHA), was speaking at the third annual conference of the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) – a Brussels-based organization that brings together stakeholders from academia, through research,…

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