EHA-SfPM Precision Medicine Meeting

SfPM logoEHA and SfPM (Society for Functional Precision Medicine) are proud to present the first joint meeting on Precision Medicine.

Dates: September 25-27, 2024
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Chairs: Krister Wennerberg and Joan Montero 

Scientific Program Committee: Krister Wennerberg, Joan Montero, Anthony Letai, Antonio Almeida, Kirsten Grønbæk, Jean-Pierre Bourquin, Jeffrey Tyner, Alice Soragni, Beat Bornhauser, Eva Szegezdi and Tea Pemovska

In cooperation with the EHA Specialized Working Group on Precision Hematology.

EHA and SfPM are proud to announce the EHA-SfPM Precision Medicine Meeting: Bridging between functional and genomic precision medicine. This jointly organized meeting is the first to unite both genomic and functional precision medicine, with the aim to deliver key information for researchers to investigate how to better deliver the promise of precision medicine to cancer patients.

EHA Topics-in-Focus Precision Hematology

The meeting is part of the EHA Topics-in-Focus (TIF) program on Precision Hematology, for which the goal is to develop and optimize a European regulatory framework for precision hematology and solid tumors, with a focus on predictive diagnostics. This is the first meeting to bring together researchers and clinicians across all cancer types to address the common challenges in liquid and solid tumor settings since there is important overlap in the challenges facing implementation of novel predictive diagnostics in liquid and solid tumor settings. Please see our website.

Target audience

Hematologists, oncologists, biomedical scientists, lab specialists/technicians, researchers and patient advocates with a particular interest in precision medicine in cancer, cytogenetics and molecular diagnostics, drug resistance and pharmacology, health economics, novel therapeutics, targeted therapies and gene therapy, and signalling, transcription and apoptosis.


The preliminary program is available on the program page

The topics that will be covered are:

  • Precision medicine clinical trials
  • Next generation approaches to precision medicine
  • Identification of combination therapies
  • Precision medicine in the context of rare and ultra-rare tumors
  • Computational approaches to precision medicine
  • Novel technologies in precision medicine
  • Visibility, education, and access to precision medicine technology
  • Shipping, storage and quality control of patient samples

Learning goals

After attending the meeting, the attendees will:

  • understand what functional precision medicine is and how it is distinct from -omic precision medicine approaches.
  • be familiar with the many technologies being currently employed in functional precision medicine.
  • understand how functional and genomic precision medicine technologies can be combined to improve matching of cancer patients to the therapies that will benefit them.
  • understand the challenges that remain in the everyday employment of functional precision medicine efforts in clinical oncology.
  • understand how challenges overcome by the genomic precision medicine field can be learning tools for the functional precision medicine field.


Registration is now closed, if you have any questions, please contact 

Registration includes access to the full scientific program, meeting materials, a dedicated poster session with reception and F&B during the meeting (excl dinners) and a Welcome Reception. You might even be eligible for the discounted junior or member fee - further details will be made available on the registration page. 

Abstract submission

Abstract submission is an important part of this meeting and a selection of accepted abstracts will be presented as an integral part of the program. Accepted abstracts also have the opportunity to present either orally or with a poster. The regular abstract submission deadline had been extended to July 5, 2024 (23:59 CEST) and is now closed. The late poster submission deadline was on July 31, 2024 (23:59 CEST) and is now closed.

Key dates


Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center
Arni Magnussons Gade 2 
1577 Copenhagen, Denmark


This meeting is supported by:



There are various opportunities to support this meeting. For more information please send an email to

EBAH CME Accreditation

EBAH accredited stamp DEF2

Continuing Medical Education (CME) is widely accepted to encourage individual practitioners to maintain and develop professional knowledge and skills keeping up-to-date with latest developments within the field. The meeting has been accredited by the EBAH system and participants of this meeting are eligible to receive in total of 16 Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit points.