Archive: 1 1 2013
Position of EHA on Access to Medicines

Access to medicines is a fundamental element of the human right to health. While recognizing the need to keep our health systems affordable, we see great danger in hematologists having to prioritize patients, substitute standard for improvised regimens or choose unproven treatment options. As part of our mission to promote excellence in clinical practice in hematology we call upon the EU to promote knowledge building, increase transparency and take evidence-based measures that remove unnecessary barriers to patient access to medicines in Europe.
Position of EHA on the Harmonization of Training and Education in Europe

Trainees and specialists in hematology must be fit for practice. It is our mission to promote excellence in education in European hematology. To improve patient care and public health it is essential to raise and maintain the skills and competences of hematologists to an equally high standard across European countries. Therefore, we aim to harmonize and improve training and education in hematology in Europe.
Position of EHA on Research Funding

It’s in the blood of hematologists to do research. It is our mission to promote research in European hematology. To sustain and improve research in blood disorders, it is essential to secure funding. Therefore, we seek to improve funding opportunities for research in blood disorders in Europe.
Position of EHA on Clinical Trials

It’s in the blood of hematologists to do research. It is our mission to promote research in European hematology. To sustain and improve the discovery (or the verification of the effects) of medicines to treat blood disorders it is essential that the requirements for clinical research add value, especially where investigator-driven research is concerned. Therefore we seek to improve the regulations for the performance of clinical trials of blood disorders in Europe.
Position of EHA on Personalized Medicine

Personalized medicine is revolutionizing the way blood disorders are managed and researched. It is our mission to promote excellence in research, education, and clinical practice in hematology. To achieve this, it is important to promote personalized medicine. Therefore, we seek to improve the conditions that allow for the support of personalized medicine.