
Lymphoid malignancies dissected in Warsaw

The EHA–PTHiT Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies was held on March 17-18, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland. 96% of meeting attendees were satisfied with the tutorial saying that their expectations are met.

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EHA Statement: Our sustained solidarity with the hematology community in Ukraine

Friday, February 24 marks one year of war. The European Hematology Association (EHA) stands in solidarity with our colleagues and friends in Ukraine.

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Join EHA and SIE and receive up to €50 discount on your EHA membership

We are pleased to inform you that EHA and the Società Italiana di Ematologia (SIE) have joined forces and are offering you the possibility of an EHA-SIE Joint Membership.

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Harnessing new developments in genomics to improve outcome for children with poor prognosis leukemia

At the 19th Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA), we will learn about the state-of-the-art in management of childhood AML.

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Revision of the EU’s pharmaceutical legislation

Background on the reformIn April 2023, the European Commission (EC) published two proposals to revise the existing (and outdated) pharmaceutical legislation. This includes legislation on medicines for children and rare diseases.

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EHA-funded study in The Lancet Haematology: Economic Burden of Blood Disorders in EU is €23 billion

In Europe blood disorders affect around 80 million people. The total cost of blood disorders consists of healthcare expenditure (€15. 6 billion), productivity loss due to illness and mortality (€5. 6 billion), and the costs of informal care (€1.

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Other malignancies in the history of CLL: an international multicenter study conducted by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, in HARMONY
Thomas Chatzikonstantinou; Lydia Scarfò; Georgios Karakatsoulis; Eva Minga; Dimitra Chamou; Gloria Iacoboni; Jana Kotaskova; Christos Demosthenous; Lukas Smolej;…

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EU funding approved for TOLERATE

On April 1, the European Commission approved funding for the TOLERATE training network, proposed by a KU Leuven-led consortium including EHA.

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