Current status of the Clinical Trials Regulation
HemAffairs Article #2 – June 2019
In 2014 the European Parliament approved the Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR) that is supposed to replace the Clinical Trials Directive (CTD) from 2001. Five years later, the regulation has not yet become applicable.
The Clot Thickens
Haemophilia B is a genetic bleeding disorder, affecting approximately 80,000 males worldwide1, caused by an insufficient or dyfunctional blood clotting protein called factor IX (FIX).
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On December 8, Belgium held a conference to unveil its program for the upcoming Council of the EU Presidency (website), to start on January 1, 2024.
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For the subgroup Rare hereditary blood cancers:
GATA2 monoallelic expression underlies reduced penetrance in inherited GATA2-mutated MDS/AML.
I4MDS consortium: advancing MDS treatment and understanding
The role of the immune system in the pathophysiology of Myelodysplastic Neoplasms (MDS) is firmly established. However, routine immune monitoring for these patients is still not a common practice.
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The Hague, May 30, 2022 – EHA congratulates eight talented researchers in hematology on their receipt of the EHA Research Grants 2022 after a rigorous selection process.
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