
Code of Conduct

The guidelines below govern the publication of, and commentary on the EHA Hematology Hub. Please read through them before participating. 1. Abide by the rules that normally apply.

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VIRTUAL: EHA-TSH Hematology Tutorial

June 25&26, 2021

Meeting Chairs:

Prof S Eichinger (European Hematology Association)
Prof H Özsan (Turkish Society of Hematology)
In close collaboration with the Turkish Society of Hematology, EHA has annually organized  live, joint tutorials (nine in the series), which are organized as part of…

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EHA collaborates with THD to provide critical aid to hematologists

The Hague (Netherlands), June 23, 2023. The European Hematology Association (EHA) is proud to announce its partnership with the Türk Hematoloji Derneği (THD) in a joint effort to support hematologists working in earthquake-affected areas in Türkiye and Syria.

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Autoimmune Neutropenias: Update on Clinical and Biological Features in Children and Adults
Fioredda, Francesca et al. HemaSphere vol. 7,1 e814. Jan. 2023.

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Daratumumab, a CD38 monoclonal antibody study in advanced multiple myeloma – an open-label, dose escalation followed by open-label extension in a single-arm phase I/II study

Daratumumab is a human CD38 monoclonal antibody being tested against multiple myeloma, but it could also have potential in a broad range of other hematological diseases.

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Boost your career, fast-track your development, and make new connections by joining a pioneering European hematology organization with global reach.

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How to apply for an EHA Kick-off Grant

On this page, we explain all of the actions you'll need to take when submitting an EHA Kick-off Grant application.

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