
Turkey tutorial focused on lymphoma

The 8th EHA-TSH Hematology Tutorial was held on April 6-7, 2019 in Izmir, Turkey. This marks yet another pleasant and fruitful collaboration between EHA and the Turkish Society of Hematology.

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The EHA Board is the governing body of the association and deals with issues of policy. The Board sets the goals and objectives of the association in conformity with the EHA's statutes.

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EHA and Polish Society’s third tutorial together focused on myeloid and lymphoid leukemias

Seventy-five participants from Europe and the Middle East learned about the advances in biology, genetic characteristics, diagnostic approaches and therapy of leukemias during the EHA-PTHiT Hematology Tutorial on Myeloid and Lymphoid Leukemias in Warsaw, Poland.

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Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are clonal blood disorders characterized by excessive production of mature blood cells. Patients present with large spleens, systemic symptoms, and high levels of circulating inflammatory cytokines.

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Recommendation for hematologists in COVID-19 crisis

Recommendations for hematologists in COVID-19 crisis
COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, is expected to be a devastating infection in patients with active cancer. It should be taken seriously and managed rigorously without jeopardizing the curative chance of individual cancer patients.

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Evidence and policy to ensure good clinical practice

Interview with Vinay Prasad MD MPH by Heiko Becker MD, on behalf of YoungEHA

Leaders in the field that have the potential to make a difference, that challenge the way we are doing things, who push our perspective out of our…

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Apply to be a Master Class mentee

Applications closed on July 15, 2024

EligibilityTo apply to be a menteee, you must be one of the following:

A hematologist
Receiving hematology training
Seeing hematology patients
You must also be an EHA member.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on MDS/MPN/AML: Commonalities and Differences of Myeloid Neoplasms

Join us for this unique and rare opportunity and exchange ideas with MDS, MPN, and AML experts in one meeting. Internationally renowned experts will provide presentations and share the recent developments and answers to your clinical questions.

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Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)

The SWG on Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) focuses on the promotion and exchange of scientific and clinical evidence, ideas and projects in the field of MDS.

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FDA Reports of Secondary Malignancies Following Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Therapies and Relative Risk: an EBMT-EHA-GoCART Coalition Statement

We need to bring your attention to the recent warning disseminated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding T-cell lymphomas in patients undergoing Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy (1).

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