
PROFILE Bootcamp in Entrepreneurial Innovation in Orphan Diseases, October 23-25, 2017, Leuven, Belgium.

Breaking innovations in rare diseases are at the centre of this PROFILE Bootcamp, which brings together junior & senior researchers, clinicians, pharmaceutical industry and policymakers.

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YoungEHA Mentorship Mixer at EHA2024

Hosted by the YoungEHA Committee, the Mentorship Mixer is a pilot event for a potential EHA mentorship program.

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New GFI1B variants in bleeding and platelet disorders

Platelets restrict blood loss upon vessel damage by formation of a clot (thrombus). Recently, we reported a family with a bleeding and platelet disorder (BPD), which was caused by a defect in the gene GFI1B1.

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Nomination criteria

General criteriaOur refreshed EHA Awards program is designed to recognize and encourage the extraordinary achievements of individuals across the field of hematology. Eligibility
To nominate or be nominated, you must be an EHA member.

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What an EHA Research Grant supports

Our EHA Research Grants support basic and translational lab-based research in hematology.

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