
EHA in EU-funded project on voluntary plasma collection capacity in Europe

EHA to participate in an EU-funded project on “Strengthening voluntary non-remunerated plasma collection capacity in Europe” (SUPPLY)

Context: Plasma shortage 

Plasma-derived medicinal products (PDMPs) are used to treat a variety of rare, chronic, and potentially life-threatening conditions including immune deficiencies, immune-mediated peripheral…

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Immunoglobulin shortages in the spotlight: EMA, SUPPLY and the SoHO Regulation

EMA executive director Emer Cooke welcoming participants including EHA at the Shortages Workshop, March 1


Shortages of immunoglobulins and the need to increase and sustain plasma supplies have moved to the center of the EU policy and regulatory stage.

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Strengthening Resilience and Fostering Collaboration: Ensuring a Transparent and Reliable Supply Chain for Plasma-Derived Products

The issue of immunoglobulin shortages and the importance of enhancing and maintaining plasma supplies have gained significant attention within the policy and regulatory landscape of the European Union.

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6th European CAR T-cell Meeting

Dates: February 15-17, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
Format: Hybrid
Chairs: Michael Hudecek & Anna Sureda

Registration is closed. Those already registratered can view on-demand content via the platform until March 17.

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Addressing immunoglobulin shortages: EHA and EBA’s strategic recommendations at the EMA

In recent years, shortages of immunoglobulins (Ig) have become a growing concern in the European Union (EU). Since 2018, the European Medicines Agency (EMA)—the EU agency that evaluates and supervises medicines—has received an increasing number of shortage reports.

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Substances of Human Origin (SoHO) legislation

EHA’s involvementEHA has been involved in both the evaluation and subsequent revision of the EU legislation on human blood and blood components. The evaluation of these rules, which dated back to 2002, began in 2016.

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