
ASCAT 2023

EHA joins forces with the British Society of Haematology (BSH) & Annual Academy of Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Conference (ASCAT) in organizing the 18th Annual Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Conference.

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EHA joins forces with the British Society of Haematology (BSH) & Annual Academy of Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Conference (ASCAT) in organizing the 19th Annual Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Conference.

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EHA Guidelines on Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias

EHA and the Scientific Working Group on Red Cells and Iron organized the first online workshop on the EHA Guidelines: “Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias”.

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PROFILE Bootcamp in Entrepreneurial Innovation in Orphan Diseases, October 23-25, 2017, Leuven, Belgium.

Breaking innovations in rare diseases are at the centre of this PROFILE Bootcamp, which brings together junior & senior researchers, clinicians, pharmaceutical industry and policymakers.

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Call for SWG scientific meeting proposals

The call for SWG scientific meeting proposals is closed. As part of its aim to educate and share novel research findings, EHA provides financial support for specialized working group (SWG) scientific meetings.

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The European Hematology Association (EHA) announces an Invitation to Tender (ITT) for PCO services for the EHA Annual Congress

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is pleased to inform the conference and meeting community that it will release an Invitation To Tender (ITT) for the appointment of a Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) for the EHA Congress in 2023.

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