
EHA-SHRC Hematology Tutorial on Thalassemia

Dates: May 10-11, 2018
Location: Shiraz, Iran
Chairs: M Karimi, MD Cappellini & A Taher


EHA in close collaboration with Shiraz Hematology Research Center and the Shiraz Medical Center, endorsed by the Iranian Pediatric Hematology Oncology Society, organize a two day tutorial on “Thalassemia”.…

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SWG Educational Activities

MeetingsSWG meetingsThe SWG on Transfusions holds monthly meetings. EHA CongressOne focus is support for all activities of the EHA Congress. At the EHA 2023 Congress, which was held in Frankfurt, some sessions on transfusion were supported virtually.

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Killer antibodies against AML

Most patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can only be cured when a stem cell transplant induces an immune response against the patient’s leukemia.

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Message from the EHA Board

After more than a decade of tireless work to further EHA’s mission our Executive Director, Carin Smand, has unfortunately announced that she will be leaving our organization.

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The past and future of the EU Blood, Tissues and Cells legislation

Photo credit: Ineke Oostveen

Blood, tissues and cells (BTC) are used in medicine and in hematology on a daily basis.

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