
Highlights from the SWG

This SWG was established in January 2024. Highlights will be added in due course.

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SWG educational activities

This SWG was established in January 2024. Educational activities will be added in due course.

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The 3rd EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoproliferative and Plasma Cell Disorders

The 3rd EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoproliferative and Plasma Cell Disorders was held on February 16-18 in Lucknow, India, and chaired by Dr AK Tripathi (King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, India) and Prof G Gaidano (University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara,…

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FUNDING ALERT: Calls published on ATMPs, T cells and cancer research

In recent weeks, two Calls for proposals were published that offer relevant funding opportunities for hematologists:


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Highlights from the SWG

The following activities, which were organized by EMN, also constitute contributions to and participation in the work of the EHA SWG on Multiple Myeloma.

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Life in hematology is exciting and poses many challenges, rewards and surprises. Follow our blog and be entertained, informed and inspired!

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More than science: the European Affairs program at EHA2023

To develop and administer safe, innovative and effective treatments for patients with blood diseases, hematologists need an effective and enabling regulatory environment.

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