
100,000 Patient data sets: The value of data sharing to accelerate blood cancer research.

With almost 100,000 patient data sets identified and 63,000 already transferred to the HARMONY Big Data Platform, the HARMONY Alliance is fully equipped to facilitate state-of-the-art research into blood cancers.

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Call for research proposals within the Scientific Excellence Work Package of the GoCART Coalition

Dear GoCART community,

With more than 5,000 CAR-T infusions registered in the EBMT Registry, EBMT and EHA are proud to announce the third call for research proposals within the Scientific Excellence Work Package of the GoCART Coalition.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on MDS/MPN/AML: Commonalities and Differences of Myeloid Neoplasms

Join us for this unique and rare opportunity and exchange ideas with MDS, MPN, and AML experts in one meeting. Internationally renowned experts will provide presentations and share the recent developments and answers to your clinical questions.

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The importance of education and collaboration for the treatment of patients

This article is written in the context of EHA’s membership of the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) where EHA takes a lead in the development of a strategy for education in personalized medicine. Read the full article here

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The interaction of von Willebrand factor with platelet glycoprotein Ib: pathological implications and clinical manifestations

The EHA Specialized Working Group (SWG) on Thrombocytopenias and Platelet Function Disorders and the EHA-SWG on Bleeding and Thrombosis are pleased to collaborate on a recent free webinar: "The interaction of von Willebrand factor with platelet glycoprotein Ib: pathological implications and clinical…

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Brussels Declaration on the Recognition of Professional QualificationsThe future of the Harmonisation of the Haematology Curriculum in Europe

On the occasion of the meeting, there was unanimous support for the

“Brussels Declaration on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications” that follows:

The mobility of haematology trainees is of the utmost importance.

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Actions we're taking to reduce the environmental impact of our flagship event: the EHA Congress.

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Overview of EHA's Hemoglobinopathies Initiatives

The EHA Topics-in-Focus Hemoglobinopathies Program  (focus on Sickle Cell Disease) aims to expand awareness and education about these increasingly common genetic diseases in Europe, among healthcare professionals, patients and the general population.

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