
EHA-NSHBT Sickle Cell Disease Webinar

EHA and the Topics-in-Focus Taskforce on Hemoglobinopathies are working with the Nigerian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion (NSHBT) to organize a webinar on Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).

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EHA-LSHBT Virtual Hematology Updates, a Successful Course Tailored for the Region!

March – October 2021

In a series of six webinar courses chairs Gianluca Gaidano (EHA) and Ali Taher (LSHBT) were joined by several experts that gave lectures and interactive patient cases to practitioners who manage patients with benign and hematologic malignancies.…

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Guidelines for hematologists

For guidance regarding COVID-19, see FAQ by the EHA SWG on Infections

EHA creates clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of hematologic diseases.

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EHA-HSHT Joint Membership

Join EHA and HSHT to receive up to €50 discount on your membershipThe European Hematology Association (EHA) and the Hungarian Society of Hematology and Transfusion (HSHT) - Magyar Hematológiai és Transzfuziológiai Társaság – MHTT, have joined forces to offer joint membership to…

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EU Elections and Health Policy

HemAffairs Article #1 – June 2019

2019 will see significant changes within the European institutions.

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Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia by activation of patient's immune cells by a bispecific antibody.


Abstract S722
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia  (ALL) is a rare type of blood cancer which is mainly treated by intensive chemotherapy.

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