Social Media Learning
EHA presents our own microlearning in 4 formats, covering diagnosis, pathology, clinical schemas, and clinical cases within topics in the European Hematology Curriculum.
Read moreIVDR resources
IVD Taskforce Videos:Konstanze Döhner
Monika Brüggemann
IVDR Sessions:
HemaSphere articles:
Critical Implications of IVDR for Innovation in Diagnostics: Input From the BioMed Alliance Diagnostics Task Force
The New EU Regulation on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices: Implications and Preparatory Actions for Diagnostic Laboratories
EU-Wide Access to…
Streamlining SoHO Management in EU Hospitals
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) is committed to improving the management of Substances of Human Origin (SoHO) in EU hospitals.
Read moreBurnouts: when caregivers become patients
Author: Côme Bommier (Young EHA Ambassador)
Affiliations: Hôpital St-Louis (Paris, France) & Mayo Clinic (Rochester MN, USA)
A survey will be released in September to further map burnout
among hematology professionals in Europe.
Clinical trials
The advance of highly innovative, increasingly personalized therapies in hematology requires novel clinical trial designs and more flexible, adaptive regulatory frameworks and improved data generation to support decision making both during and after clinical studies.
Read moreChairs and members
Chair (2024–2027)
Elizabeth Macintyre, Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades et Université Paris, France
Vice-Chair (2024–2027)
Margarita Guenova, National Specialised Hospital for Active Treatment of Haematological Diseases, Belgium
Steering Committee (2024–2027)
Monika Brüggemann, University Hospital Kiel, Germany (ESHLO)
Francesco Buccisano, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy (SWG on Diagnosis…
EHA-TSH Hematology Tutorial
EHA is joining the Turkish Society of Hematology (TSH) to organize the EHA-TSH Hematology Tutorial on T Cell Lymphomas. Date: June 29-30, 2024
Location: Ankara, Türkiye
Format: In-Person
Target audienceHematology fellows from Türkiye.