
Policy on life events

EHA has a policy on life events and eligibility. If you're submitting a grant application and the policy applies to your circumstances, you can ask us to extend the period of eligibility.

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Policy on life events

EHA has a policy on life events and eligibility. If you're submitting a grant application and the policy applies to your circumstances, you can ask us to extend the period of eligibility.

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Policy on life events

EHA has a policy on life events and eligibility. If you're submitting a grant application and the policy applies to your circumstances, you can ask us to extend the period of eligibility.

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Hematology meme

Photo of the month
Seasons greetings! In Germany and Austria, a marzipan pig symbolizes good luck for the new year and this image from a confocal microscopy has the same idea.

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Target audience

You are a hematologist working at an academic center or a large community hospital that is known for running clinical trials.

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Hematology Jobs

In this section of the EHA website, job opportunities within the field of hematology are posted, when available. Regulations

Service meant for hematologists and related disciplines.

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EHA policy on double awarding

EHA is guided by the concept of supporting as many young investigators/clinicians as possible in their career development. Therefore, double awarding is not allowed. Winning an award excludes the award winner from winning another award while receiving the first.

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